A Message from the Future
With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez The most important issue of our time.
Continue reading →With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez The most important issue of our time.
Continue reading →If we were willing to change, different kinds of agricultural practices could mitigate global warming. I think the thing that most drives me insane about confronting this pending destruction is that we really could be capable of fixing it, but as a species we just won’t. Support American Rivers. They do good work.
Continue reading →The Teachers Revolt in West Virginia Will Oklahoma teachers be the next to strike?
Continue reading →I hope this is true, and that it holds. Now is not the time to start bending to the bankers again. Never will it be that time. Bipartisan Revolt Imperils House Bill To Avert Government Shutdown House Republican leaders are skating on thin ice with the government funding bill, facing stiff opposition from the left and the right that threatens passage just hours before a midnight deadline to avert a shutdown…. Thank you, Senator Warren, Representative Pelosi, and everyone who is working with them.
Continue reading →I know I’ve posted this before, but a friend reminded me of it today, and it’s perfect for N17 and the 99% movement, so here it is again.
Continue reading →From a comment in the NYTimes: Letter to the Peasants of America from the Top 2%, You asked, Where did all the money and jobs go? We took the money. We can never have enough. We shipped the jobs overseas. We started international corporations where we seek out the cheapest labor and the least stringent regulations. We Invested in scams which produced nothing but debt for you. We crashed the economy. Now Americans are just as desperate to have a low paying job as anywhere else in the world. We arranged the largest theft in history and stuck you with … Continue reading →
I’m very fond of little gadgets like this one at the Washington Post. It gives you the amount we’ll have if the debt limit isn’t paid, and then let’s you decide which programs get cut or not. It’s clunky in that you have to keep or defund entire programs—there’s no partial option. But it gives you a good overview of what is at stake if we default, and how much we can actually afford without borrowing.
Continue reading →In honor of today’s horrible job news, and especially for all the politicians out there, here is a dose of economic truth-telling.
Continue reading →Austin Goolsbee takes to the White House White Board to explain job losses and gains every month for the past three years. Note the small drop off over this past summer, when the stimulus began to fade somewhat. It’s my own belief that if the stimulus had been stronger growth would be stronger now, but it’s just as clear that the stimulus did good for the economy, and provided many jobs, if not as many as we need. Also note in his explanation: the stimulus contained a lot of tax cuts. Taxes are lower now than when President Obama took … Continue reading →