The Story of Us
It’s an election year. Let’s get it done, again.
Continue reading →It’s an election year. Let’s get it done, again.
Continue reading →I’m already tired of hearing that “the American people spoke”. Some of them did, sure, the ones who turned out for this election. Last election a very different set of people spoke. Both sets are real, both sets count, and one doesn’t trump the other. There is no reason for Democrats to throw aside all of their own ideas about how to govern just because they lost the House in one election. We still have the Senate and the Presidency and there’s another election in two years. While I sincerely hope the Republicans are finally ready to come to the … Continue reading →
In fact, I’m not particularly worried by this election. I am sorry to lose Betsy Markey. I am happy we’re keeping Michael Bennet. Some other good things happened in Colorado as well: all three tax-busting amendments were defeated, and the profoundly misguided “fetus personhood” amendment was defeated. Still, even here conservatives made a lot of gains, and in other parts of the country they made even more. But I am not worried. The demographic tide is with the progressive vision. The religious right, the old white regressives, they are dying off one by one, and a new multi-racial, multi-cultural generation … Continue reading →
I do. And so do all the people in this video. And if you remember just how bad things were during the Bush Administration, you’ll know why you can’t vote Republican in this election. Don’t forget to vote tomorrow! And don’t forgot how we got into the mess we are in.
Continue reading →Talking Points Memo has a slideshow of polling trendlines in a bunch of hot Senate and Governor’s Races. In spite of the Dems getting a little momentum recently, things still look pretty bad overall. I’m trying to stay upbeat (and yes, I’ve voted myself), but have to admit I’m pretty worried at this point about how bad it’s going to go on Election Day. If you know an Obama voter who is not turning out this year, please encourage them to vote! A lot of these races are only a few percentage points apart, and turnout will be key. Edit … Continue reading →
Senator Michael Bennet speaks to campaign volunteers, encouraging everyone to step up their efforts to get out the vote. And he’s right: we don’t want to get up on Nov. 3 and find that Ken Buck with his extremist views on women’s rights is now our Senator.
Continue reading →The question of the day seems to be how to interpret recent generic polling that shows the Dems still trailing in general terms, either by a little or by a lot. No one doubts that if the Republicans actually take control of either house of Congress, they will again lead off with spurious investigations and other kinds of disruptions meant to solidify their political good fortune. The fact that their actions hurt the country doesn’t seem to matter to them at all. I know for myself I am not as energized as I was in 2008, though I will vote … Continue reading →