Mni Wiconi: The Stand at Standing Rock
If you’re not yet aware of #NoDAPL and the resistance at Standing Rock, start to learn.
Continue reading →If you’re not yet aware of #NoDAPL and the resistance at Standing Rock, start to learn.
Continue reading →For now, staying safe and sane in this neo-facist environment. Autocracy: Rules for Survival … Trump is anything but a regular politician and this has been anything but a regular election. Trump will be only the fourth candidate in history and the second in more than a century to win the presidency after losing the popular vote. He is also probably the first candidate in history to win the presidency despite having been shown repeatedly by the national media to be a chronic liar, sexual predator, serial tax-avoider, and race-baiter who has attracted the likes of the Ku Klux Klan. … Continue reading →
Police are safer under Obama than they have been in decades
Continue reading →This article, by Jeb Lund in Rolling Stone, really should be read in full. It is a clear description of the ways in which Confederate ideology and the violence of white supremacy, have sculpted our political landscape, and continue to infect the conservative movement to this day. The Charleston Shooter: Racist, Violent, and Yes – Political How could it not be political, when the Republican Party has weaponized its supporters and made violence a virtue? …And nothing — nothing — emphasizes that overreach and theft like black people. Mendacious twit and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley issued a statement saying, … Continue reading →
I also have lived in the South, have much family that lives there still, and have traced my father’s family back to Civil War veterans. And yet I am a Yankee, I admit. So it will come as no surprise that I don’t care what some random backwoods dude in Mississippi thinks about his heritage. The Confederate battle flag is the very symbol of slavery and treason and not for one day should it ever have been allowed onto any government place or entity. The South lost and it’s good that it did. That reality should be reflected by governments … Continue reading →
The FCC just approved the strongest net neutrality rules yet 1. The Federal Communications Commission has approved its strongest network neutrality rules yet. 2. Three Democrats, including chairman Tom Wheeler, voted for the rules. The two Republicans dissented. 3. The new rules reclassify internet access so it will be regulated like a public utility.
Continue reading →Pure hearts, singing pure truth.
Continue reading →Via @GetWisdomDude
Continue reading →via banksy ETA: Original image was created by Lucille Clerc.
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