Beyond the Scenes ~ The Daily Show ~ July 12, 2022
The whole episode is worth a listen, starting off with Roy Woods, Jr. interviewing Jordan Klepper and his field producer about their Daily Show segments with MAGA types on Jan. 6, and other strange people at other rallies.
I’ve set this up to start at a later segment (at 38:42), where Chris Hayes talks about the events of January 6th, and what they might mean for our future elections. Below the video I’ve included a transcript of a portion of this discussion that seems especially pertinent to those future elections. As always, any transcription errors are my own.
Transcript from about @44:30 min.
Roy Woods Jr: What can we expect when it comes to the future of democracy being protected? Because the thing I find that’s interesting now is that a lot of the people that stirred the pot in 2016 have been deplatformed. So, a lot of the ways that these types of people can find each other and the hornets’ nest can be stirred, it’s not the same. Trump is not on television, and a lot of his cronies are not on television as much. So… could they still mobilize like this again?
Chris Hayes: Yeah, it’s a good question. I mean, I don’t know what the future holds. I know that Republicans have worked very hard to put people in positions to do and pull off what they were not able to do and pull off last time.
You’ve got the Secretary of State, he’s being primaried in Georgia. You’ve got the Secretary of State election in Arizona, where avowed adherents to the Big Lie, the pro-coup forces, a kind of pro-coup primary challenge. Now the governor of Georgia, right, all these people essentially what they’re saying implicitly, or in some cases explicitly, saying like, “I will do what was not done before,” which is to deliver power into the hands of the candidate who lost because I don’t recognize the legitimacy of the majority because they are not my people. Right?
So I really worry about that, and look, at one level there’s technical problems here about the way that the law works and who is administering elections, but there’s sort of a deeper problem, like…
It’s like, if you have one of two major American coalitions mobilized against democracy, with the belief that the other side is illegitimate by definition and cannot legitimately win, whatever happens technically around election law matters, but ultimately the threat is that. That’s the deep threat. And that threat is there, and growing. And so I don’t know what it looks like, how it plays out.
Look, elections end when the loser acknowledges they’re over. Like, as a function, as a functional matter, that’s the definition of the end of an election. And that can’t be, if there’s a side that will never acknowledge that, then that, we’re in totally different territory.
Emphasis added by me.