Catching up
I’ve been getting hit with trackback spam by the truckload, almost every day. So I’ve gone through every post on the site and turned off trackbacks permanently. In the process of dealing with the spam, I lost all my real trackbacks, but there’s nothing to be done about that. I think I’ve got all posts set to reject pings, so maybe I’ll have time to actually blog again now.
Hey Jennifer!
I don’t worry about trackbacks because I don’t use them, but You don’t have a link for fierce Jennifer anymore.
I was hoping that you would give a weigh in on the big plans to sell off our national lands.
There are some other things I would like to resource with you on as well
Hugs, granny
Heya granny, yeah I actually forgot to put my email address up on this one. I’ll fix that later today. Always great to hear from you.