Get ready
The 112th Congressional session starts this week, and it looks like it will be a doozy. Already Darrell Issa, who will have subpoena power on the oversight committee, has called this Administration “one of the most corrupt ever”, though he can’t point to anything concretely corrupt that Obama and his staff have done. And even though 61% of Americans want the deficit addressed by raising taxes on the rich, Republicans have taken tax hikes off the table entirely, and are preparing to increase the deficit by refusing to pay for any tax cuts they might make. In that poll, only 3% of Americans want cuts to Social Security, so of course that is the first thing Lindsey Graham wants to do. So much for the will of the American people!
All of us who remember the bullshit that got slung around during the Clinton Administration know exactly where this is going, and it won’t be pretty. But if we have to endure it, at least we can keep track of it all and call out the excesses in our writing.