Category Archives: Climate
Only a year away…
Hat tip to Conservation Colorado.
Continue reading →A Message from the Future
With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez The most important issue of our time.
Continue reading →Aridification
If we were willing to change, different kinds of agricultural practices could mitigate global warming. I think the thing that most drives me insane about confronting this pending destruction is that we really could be capable of fixing it, but as a species we just won’t. Support American Rivers. They do good work.
Continue reading →Our most pressing issue
My teenage daughter has made a short video trying to explain to other young people––& to herself––why biodiversity loss, extinction & vanishing species really, really matter. It’s spoken from the heart. It’s about one of the vital issues of our times. Please share, show, discuss! — Robert Macfarlane (@RobGMacfarlane) January 26, 2019
Continue reading →You Are Stealing Our Future
Listen to Greta.
Continue reading →Visuals of 2017’s fires, dust storms, hurricanes
Yes, it was as horrible as you might imagine, and still mesmerizing to watch.
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