Voting irregularities, cont.
I have all these random links relating to voting irregularities in the presidential election. I’m not sure what they amount to, if anything, but I may as well post them here so I can get them out of my browser, at least.
First, I have Greg Palast and Farhad Manjoo duking it out over at Salon on whether and how much the election was tainted.
A post at Suburban Guerilla, who links to a Kos diary, led me to Bev Harris’s account of the Volusia vote lockdown. Now there’s a mess for you.
Keith Olbermann continues to summarize the problems so far. He seems to be the only mainstream journalist paying any attention at all.
And then there are a couple of stray reports which would seem like tinfoil hat stuff, except they apparently come from experts, so may be worth reading. First, Chuck Herrin on why he’s suspicious about the integrity of this vote. He also has an easy, step by step description of how to hack the Gems software.
And finally, Chuck Shea crunches some numbers and explains why he smells a rat.