Voting irregularities, cont.
Lawyers in Ohio are prepared to challenge the election as soon as a count is certified.
Their challenge could lead to widespread reconsideration of dozens of alleged election irregularities around the state – from reported computerized voting glitches to provisional-ballot mishaps to unusual incidents involving voter rolls, poll workers and machine technicians.
But it is unclear whether the complaint will ever get that far.
Columbus attorney Cliff Arnebeck, a national officer in the Alliance for Democracy, could not predict exactly when members of the coalition will be ready or able to file their request.
And, after they do, the Ohio Supreme Court would have to rule in their favor.
And from Suburban Guerilla we find that the Kerry team is still on the case:
“We have 17,000 lawyers working on this, and the grassroots accountability couldn’t be any higher -no (irregularity) will go unchecked. Period,” Kerry spokesman David Wade said.
Keith Olbermann is still following the story.