I think I’m suffering outrage fatigue. Tons of stuff to post, both here and at World Turning, but I don’t want to look at it. What a terrible time this is. I’ll get back on it when I can.
Continue reading →I think I’m suffering outrage fatigue. Tons of stuff to post, both here and at World Turning, but I don’t want to look at it. What a terrible time this is. I’ll get back on it when I can.
Continue reading →I’ve been busy working and playing today, but have several items piled up to post this evening. In the meantime, let me join the rest of the blogosphere in noting that The Incredibles is a fun movie, well worth seeing if you’re looking for some light entertainment.
Continue reading →This blog been up less than a week and I’m already getting comment spam. I’m about to install MT-Blacklist but in the meantime, I’ve made comments moderated. Sorry about the nuisance.
Continue reading →In my ignorance of this new software, I seem to have lost my commenting and trackback functions. And the individual archive pages aren’t working. I’ll try to fix it, honest.
Continue reading →My family was very poor, and I grew up among people who hated and feared education, or anything outside of the narrow lives they led. We moved a lot, as my father wasn’t very good at keeping jobs. In those neighborhoods, to study and try to get ahead meant you were ridiculed and reviled. Girls weren’t expected to want much education anyway, because of course they would get married, usually right after high school, and sometimes earlier if they got pregnant. Everyone went to church; my own parents were fundamentalists, though they weren’t fanatical about it. They divorced when I … Continue reading →
I needed a place to write about politics, and this is that place.
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